Upgraded Teleport to version 15.2.2

We’ve upgraded all Teleport clusters to 15.2.2. Teleport is a tool we mostly use internally to provide secure and auditted access to (EC2) instances, Kubernetes clusters and several dashboards. The nodes will gradually be upgraded to the new version when new instances are launched. You can find more information on this release in the Teleport changelog.

Migration of GitHub actions-runner-controller to gha-runner-scale-set

As of today we are supporting the new (officially by GitHub supported) deployment method of GitHub Actions runners, the gha-runner-scale-set-controller. This new controller is a more efficient and scalable way to deploy self-hosted GitHub runners (controlled by a new gha-runner-scale-set) on Kubernetes. Next to improved stability and ongoing development, this new controller adds autoscaling of the runner pool based on the number of pending jobs, resulting in a more scalable and cost-effective solution.

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Upgraded Teleport to version 15.0.1

We’ve upgraded all Teleport clusters from version 14.0.1 to 15.0.1. Teleport is a tool we mostly use internally to provide secure and auditted access to (EC2) instances, Kubernetes clusters and several dashboards. The nodes will gradually be upgraded to the new version when new instances are launched.

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Karpenter now deployed by default and migrated system pool

In September last year we announced the addition of Karpenter as experimental feature. Since then we have been making improvements to our implementation and gradually used some pilots internally and with some customers. We are happy to announce that Karpenter is now deployed by default (via AWS Fargate) on all our EKS clusters and we’ve migrated the system NodePool to use it instead of the standard Cluster Autoscaler.

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Upgraded Teleport to version 14.0.1

We’ve upgraded all Teleport clusters from version 13.3.8 to 14.0.1. Teleport is a tool we mostly use internally to provide secure and auditted access to (EC2) instances, Kubernetes clusters and several dashboards. The nodes will gradually be upgraded to the new version when new instances are launched.

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