Kubernetes add-on upgrades

In the following days we’ll be rolling-out a bunch of upgrades to the deployed add-ons on your clusters. You don’t have to do anything to apply these upgrades, we’ll do that for you. And it won’t cause any downtime to the cluster or your applications. We’ll first start with staging clusters, and production clusters will follow after a couple of days.

These is the list of add-ons that are going to be upgraded, together with a highlight of the important changes.

  • cert-manager: v0.6.2 –> v0.9.0

    Significant changes: new CertificateRequest resource, DNS zones support for ACME challenge solver selector, monitoring

  • prometheus-operator: v0.29.0 –> v0.31.1

    Significant changes: new PodMonitor resource, allowing monitoring pods directly without the necessity to go through a Endpoints of a Service

  • alertmanager: v0.16.1 –> v0.18.0

    Several enhancements and bug fixes

  • prometheus: v2.7.1 –> v2.11.1

    Several enhancements, performance improvements and bug fixes

  • external-dns: v0.5.11 –> v0.5.15

    Several enhancements and bug fixes

  • fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset: v1.3.3-debian-cloudwatch-1.2 –> v1.4.2-debian-cloudwatch-1.1
  • kube2iam: 0.10.6 –> 0.10.7
  • nginx-ingress: 0.23.0 –> 0.25.0