Kubernetes monitoring upgrades

In the past week we’ve rolled out a bunch of updates to our Kubernetes cluster-monitoring stack.

Except for the updated compoments (see below) we have also added a couple of new features:

  • Allow enabling of custom Grafana plugins through the cluster definition file. Want to use heatmaps, pie charts or more? This and more can be achieved through Grafana Plugins.
  • Allow setting additionalServiceMonitors through the cluster definition file. This allows to have some generic ServiceMonitor scrapers defined, next to the ones you deploy with your applications.
  • (Optional) Deploy Grafana with persistent storage. When enabled, you can import and edit your dashboards (or data sources) directly via the Grafana UI without having to worry that it’ll disappear when Grafana restarts. Using ConfigMaps to import dashboards and data sources is of course still supported too.

Get in touch if these sound interesting to enable!

List of updated monitoring components:

  • prometheus-operator: v0.31.1 –> v0.34.0

    Several enhancements and bug fixes. New additions to the Alertmanager/Prometheus CRDs.

  • alertmanager: v0.18.0 –> v0.19.0

    Several enhancements and bug fixes.

  • prometheus: v2.11.1 –> v2.14.0

    Several enhancements, performance improvements, improved memory usage and bug fixes. There’s also a new, experimental React UI available at the /new path.

  • grafana: v6.4.3 –> v6.4.5

    Bug fixes and a fixed security vulnerability in the MySQL data source.