Adding support for Istio service mesh

We now support Istio service mesh for all customers using our Kubernetes Reference Solution (AWS EKS and Azure AKS). A service mesh makes it easier to connect, secure and observe micro-services.

Based on conversations with our customers, we considered Istio to be a great fit for the following reasons:

  • Extensive feature-set that will fit most of the use-cases of our customers
  • Great community support, which is essential to gather information, learn from others and troubleshoot problems
  • Easy to use. Istio comes with its own controller that will automatically set up and configure the side-car containers on your Pods

Visit our documentation section where we give you some insight on how we use Istio’s service mesh. For more information regarding Istio: Istio documentation.

This is our first release and look forward to your input and comments. If you want to try it out or have any other questions, don’t hesitate to talk it through with your Customer Lead.