Migrating Docker Images from DockerHub to GitHub Container Registry (GHCR)

In the face of DockerHub’s rate limits and the need for more integrated automation, the decision was made to migrate our Docker images from DockerHub to GitHub Container Registry (GHCR). This transition not only avoids DockerHub’s constraints but also leverages GitHub Actions for seamless build automation.


The following Docker images are now available on the Skyscrapers GHCR:

  • ghcr.io/skyscrapers/actions-runner
  • ghcr.io/skyscrapers/spruce
  • ghcr.io/skyscrapers/yq
  • ghcr.io/skyscrapers/fluent-bit
  • ghcr.io/skyscrapers/terragrunt

All of these images and what they do can also be found in their docker-images repository.


The migration from DockerHub to GHCR is a strategic move to enhance our CI/CD processes, reduce dependency on DockerHub, and streamline our container management with GitHub Actions. This transition is being carefully planned and executed to ensure minimal disruption and maximum efficiency.

Stay tuned for further updates and feel free to contribute or provide feedback as we progress through this migration journey.