Update 2024-03-07: Upgrades have been applied on all clusters.
As part of our regular upgrade cycle, the following Kubernetes cluster components have been updated and are gradually rolling out to all our managed clusters. One of the main updates included in this cycle is the move to TSDB as Grafana Loki’s index backend, which will improve query performance and resource utilization.
There are no major version changes, mostly patch and minor versions. Focus of most changes resolve CVEs, bug fixes and general improvements.
Click each link to go to the full upstream changelog.
- amazon-eks-ami v20240213
- aws-ebs-csi-driver v1.28.0-eksbuild.1
- aws-efs-csi-driver v1.7.5
- aws-load-balancer-controller 2.7.1
- aws-vpc-cni v1.16.3-eksbuild.2
- dex v2.38.0
- fluent-bit v2.2.2
- grafana-agent v0.39.2
- ingress-nginx v1.9.6
- jaeger-operator v1.51.0
- karpenter v0.34.1
- keda v2.13.0
- kube-prometheus-stack chart v56.12.0
- This brings updates to alertmanager, prometheus-operator, prometheus, grafana, etc.
- grafana v10.3.3
- prometheus v2.49.1
- prometheus-operator v0.71.0
- kube-proxy v1.28.6-eksbuild.2
- loki v2.9.4
- We’re moving from the BoltDB index to TSDB index which will improved query performance and resource utilization.
- Logs ingested starting 2024-03-11 will start using this new index. This change is transparent to the end user, you don’t need to take action.
- metrics-server v0.7.0
- nvidia-k8s-device-plugin v0.14.4
- prometheus-pushgateway v1.7.0
- secrets-store-csi-driver v1.4.1
- velero v1.13.0