New feature: Automation of Terragrunt documentation generation

In an effort to improve our documentation for the cloud resources we deploy for our customers, we are pleased to announce the integration of a GitHub action into your repositories, streamlining the generation of documentation for your cloud resources ensuring up-to-date and accurate documentation with minimal manual intervention.

This new feature will help us keep our documentation consistent and repeatable. The generation of documentation will be automatically triggered on every push to your main/master branch occurs. Through GitHub actions we will build a documentation file for each environment in your infrastructure and push it to the Wiki section of your repo. You can already visit it to see the first result of the action. We also made links to all environments in the section where you previously found the documentation.

While we don’t foresee any issues with this new feature, if you do encounter any problem or you are missing certain documentation of components, please let us know so we can address them as soon as possible!