Monitoring RDS instances through Prometheus

Up until now we’ve been monitoring our managed RDS instances through Icinga, which has been working great. But for Kubernetes customers, we’ve been relying on Prometheus more and more to monitor external services, as well as the cluster itself. So it just makes sense that we also monitor RDS instances through it.

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Improved Slack notifications for Prometheus alerts

We’re updating the format of our monitoring Slack messages. As you already know, all the alerts produced by your Kubernetes clusters show up in Slack. The goal is to provide visibility on what’s going on in your infrstructure and application, and to improve the response time of alerts.

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Simplifying our ECS monitoring

We’re deprecating the Prometheus setup of our ECS clusters. We released that setup a while ago as an alternative for both infrastructure and application montoring for our ECS clusters, similar to what we have in place for Kubernetes. But we’ve found that it hasn’t been really used in any of the clusters. Operational coverage for ECS clusters is still covered by our central monitoring system, and customers have their own monitoring in place to cover the application.

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