Merging AKS and EKS reference solution codebases and improving automation

Since the end of 2020 we’ve started supporting Azure AKS environments, next to our already fleshed out offering around Amazon EKS. What initially started as a proof of concept has become bigger and bigger.

In the background we’ve been working hard on improving our automation and speed of development and rollouts (see for example this post). The latest step in this process was the merger of our EKS and AKS codebases as much as possible, so double efforts in backporting changes are no longer needed. This also means that an AKS platform setup and maintenance is now controlled by a similar structured YAML resource definition as our EKS platform and our CI pipelines can largely be reused for both platforms.

More concretely, what does this mean for you? For starters, if you’ve been running on the AKS solution, you now get additional features that were already available on our EKS solution, like:

  • Eventrouter deployed by default for shipping K8s events to Grafana Loki
  • Fluent Bit as a log shipper to alternative loggin backends like EFK,, etc.
  • Vertical Pod Autoscaler for dynamically updating resource requests
  • Optional in-cluster OpenVPN server
  • Latest fixes and improvements earlier available in the EKS stack

Going further you can also expect existing features and improvements to be updated on both platforms at the same time.

Meanwhile, building further on this merged codebase, we’re working hard on further automation and improving change rollout speed.