Redshift monitoring via Prometheus

We have updated our stacks to support Redshift monitoring via the Prometheus Operator running on our K8s clusters. If you have Redshift running, you will now be able to see alerts in Alertmanager and on slack when there is something wrong with the cluster.

Neo4j monitoring via Prometheus

We have updated our stacks to support Neo4j monitoring (Neo4j >= 3.4) via the Prometheus Operator running on our K8s clusters. If you have Neo4j running, you will see metrics appearing in the new Neo4j Grafana dashboard.

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Kubernetes add-on upgrades

In the following days we’ll be rolling-out a bunch of upgrades to the deployed add-ons on your clusters. You don’t have to do anything to apply these upgrades, we’ll do that for you. And it won’t cause any downtime to the cluster or your applications. We’ll first start with staging clusters, and production clusters will follow after a couple of days.

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We're moving to EKS

The past months we’ve beeen heavily re-evaluting and testing AWS EKS as base for our reference solution. Today we can consider our platform GA and moving forward all new clusters will be setup using EKS.

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Adding Prometheus monitoring for Elasticsearch on ECS

Our ECS monitoring solution now supports monitoring Elasticsearch clusters using Elasticsearch Exporter, Prometheus and AlertManager, so we can get notified via slack (critical/warnings) and via OpsGenie (critical) for any issues with ES. This is similar functionality which was already available for customers running on the Kubernetes platform.

Move to the AWS provided Kibana

We’re in the process of removing our kibana deployment from all the Staging clusters and replacing it with the AWS provided kibana setup that comes with the AWS ElasticSearch service. Production clusters will follow.

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Increased monitoring alerts visibility

During the following days we’re going to rollout some changes in how Kubernetes monitoring notifications are delivered. From now on, all notifications comming from the production k8s monitoring system will be shown in our shared slack channel, that is the channel we share with each of our customers. The current notification channels will still work as until now. Here’s an overview of how notifications will work:

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