Upgrade Kubernetes components

We are in the process of upgrading our staging Kubernetes clusters components to the latest stable releases. Production clusters will follow in 1 to 2 weeks (to be announced) after we have confirmed there are no issues with our customer’s workloads.

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Improved monitoring alerts on Slack

We have updated the format of the monitoring Slack notifications. You might have already noticed that the monitoring messages in your Slack channels now contain more useful information and are more structured. We’ve already started rolling out the changes in staging clusters and we’ll start rolling them in production clusters during this week.

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Mongodb monitoring and dashboards

We have updated the clusters to have support for mongodb monitoring, alerts and dashboards. If you have a mongodb cluster you will see that there is now a mongodb dashboard in Grafana and that we added specific alert rules for mongodb in prometheus.

Improved etcd backups

We’ve upgraded all the k8s cluster with a new etcd backup implementation. The old backup solution was relying on daily snapshots taken from a service running in the master nodes.

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Upgrade Vault to 1.0.1

A Vault upgrade for our setups was long overdue. We’ve upgraded our Vault installation tools from version 0.9.3 to 1.0.1, which is the latest Vault version available at the moment. As Vault is set up as HA, the downtime of the upgrade will be minimal, normally between half a second and a couple of seconds, which is the time the fail-over takes. The upgrade procedure to achieve that minimal downtime is the following:

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Set resource requests and limits for all infrastructure pods

We’ve recently adjusted resource requests and limits for all Pods running in the infrastructure namespace. Previously, some of them didn’t have requests nor limits, and some others had unnecessary high values. We’ve reviewed the CPU and memory usage of those Pods for the last couple of weeks and we’ve adjusted their requests and limits accordingly. This is now rolled out to all staging clusters, and we’ll proceed with the production clusters next week if no issues are spotted.

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Grafana Pods dashboard updated memory metrics

We’ve updated the Pods dashboard so it displays both the actual container memory usage (container_memory_working_set_bytes) next to the previous metric including caches (container_memory_usage_bytes). You can find this dashboard in your grafana deployment as Pods v2.

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